Scanning Individual Images to CD.
Colour and B/W negatives (32mm or 120) scanned on FUJI FRONTIER SP3000 scanner that has a maximum resolution of 5,400 dpi. These scans are suitable for most medium to low end uses. For pre press and other high end uses please see High Resolution (Pre-press) Scanning. Tiff files are used for quality, jpegs are used for speed. Jpegs can be stored and moved more quickly than Tiffs but the compression on jpegs may result in a loss of quality.

File Size 1-9 10-19 20-49 50+
7x5 Jpeg
(2100x1500 pixels)
£1.75 £1.25 £1.00 75p
7x5 Tiff
(2100x1500 pixels)
£2.25 £1.75 £1.50 £1.25
9x6 Jpeg
(2700x1800 pixels)
£2.25 £1.75 £1.50 £1.25
9x6 Tiff
(2700x1800 pixels)
£2.75 £2.25 £2.00 £1.75
A4 Jpeg
(3600 x 2400 pixels)
£3.00 £2.50 £2.25 £1.75
A4 Tiff
(3600 x 2400 pixels)
£3.50 £3.00 £2.75 £2.00

For scans from 35mm slides or 120 transparencies, please add 50% to prices above.


  Trumps, 13 Clerk Street, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9JH
T: 0131 667 7722 F: 0131 667 8822