High Resolution Pre-Press Scanning
High-resolution scans from transparencies and negatives scanned on IMACON FLEXTIGHT 949 scanner up to 8,000dpi optical. Typical uses for high resolution scans are high quality pre press and digital printing. File sizes are dependant on size and resolution of finished output. Prices below are based on output of 300 dpi. (Artwork up to A3 can also be scanned direct, artwork larger than A3 can be photographed direct to digital file.) Prices below include cost of writing to CD. Broadband e-mail facilities available.

File Size/Print Size (Approx) 1 original 2 or more originals
12mb/8x6 £9.20 £8.15
20mb/10x8 £10.45 £9.40
25mb/A4 £11.50 £10.30
30mb/12x10 £12.55 £11.20
50mb/16x12 £15.75 £13.85
80mb/20x16 £21.00 £17.85
120mb/24x20 £27.30 £23.20
160mb/30x20 £29.60 Larger scans can be
charged by file size.
320mb/40x30 £47.25 Please ask for quote

High res. scan prices include image optimisation but not manipulation. Saved as tiff or jpeg.


  Trumps, 13 Clerk Street, Newington, Edinburgh EH8 9JH
T: 0131 667 7722 F: 0131 667 8822 enquiries@trumpslab.co.uk